11 March, 2010


I seem to have been posting about some gloomy subjects of late! Indeed, I've been reading and thinking a lot about 'heavy' issues these past few weeks, so today I've been trying to focus on the lighter, more cheerful side of life.

And so...

My Top Ten Reasons To Smile Today are:

1. Martha can sit up almost un-aided! This is so useful when I'm doing the laundry as she can sit on the clean clothes in the laundry basket and watch!
2. I got a lovely email from a friend who recently had a baby inviting me to come visit her and stay for a few days.
3. It's Thursday night which means American Idol is on. Hurrah! My money is on Crystal or Alex to win...
4. We're now half-way through Lent; chocolate here I come!
5. Hubby is so excited about a recent development with work that he has been singing "Lord Of The Dance" almost on repeat since he came home. He's the best!
6. Tomorrow is Friday, time for the weekly trip to the library for a good browse and a cuppa.
7. Hubby recounted the funniest story this morning...I would re-tell, but I think one needs to hear it in a Brummie accent to find it really hilarious. But never mind...it's kept me laughing all day. :-)
8. The sun finally came out today, for the first time in days. The whole house has been just bathed in light...so lovely.
9. Next weekend we have relatives visiting, which is the perfect excuse to bake cakes and biscuits and enjoy lots of nattering over a pot of tea. I can't wait!
10. Its not a Wednesday or a Friday which means we can have meat for dinner! Chicken curry is coming up!

Wishing everyone a lovely, happy, smiley evening!


Unknown said...


And what's a "Brummie accent"?

Mary M said...

Oh my word, I haven't checked my blog for days, sorry this took so long to publish Stephanie!

A Brummie accent refers to the way people talk in Birmingham, UK. Hubby is from near Birmingham...he doesnt have a Brummie accent as such but he does a cracking imitation! :-)