30 March, 2010

Spring Into Action

March has been a busy month it seems, looking at the number of times I've posted on 'The Vineyard'.

And it's set to get busier still as Hubby, Martha and I career our way up to the north of England to spend the Easter season with family. I can't wait.

It's hard for me to believe that Easter is nearly here...Lent is nearly over...Spring really has arrived (just about!).

I'm delighted though because for me, this is the best time of year. Easter brings with it so much celebration, hope, renewal and inspiration. Flowers bloom, the trees become green...nature itself seems to celebrate the beauty of the Resurrection. Everything seems re-born.

It's also the perfect season to start afresh, make plans and approach life with new vigour and motivation.

Since I will be spending another summer here in our little patch of land, I have big plans for our currently unfinished garden...I'm envisioning rows of potted plants, a little vegetable patch, a finished fence (glances tentatively at Hubby...;-) and a pretty wrought iron gate. Once the warmer weather is here to stay I intend to start!

Life can't get any better than this. God is really, very good indeed.

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