10 May, 2010


It's been an amazingly busy few weeks here! Various trips to visit family and friends, birthday parties, Christenings...there has been much celebration and cause to be glad.

This has also been a period of worry in some respects. A time for reviewing what is really important in life.

I frequently look back on my mistakes of the past and lament my poor choices. Motherhood has increased ten-fold my regrets and my resolve to live a better life. After all, I hope to do everything in my power to help my daughter avoid making the mistakes I have made.

And gratitude is a wonderful gift that really enables a person to remember that no matter how much they have sinned, they are also blessed.

Today I'm saying a prayer of gratitude for my wonderful family. For my daughter. My husband. My mother. My father. My sisters. My friends.

I hope to write a longer, more interesting post when time allows. For now, I just want to put this prayer out there into the world. I hope and believe He will hear me.

Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for all the benefits and blessings which you have given me, for all the pains and insults which you have borne for me. Merciful Friend, Brother and Redeemer, may I know you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, day by day.

Saint Richard of Chichester


Unknown said...

What a lovely post! I'm not even a mother yet, but since we got married, just the nearer *possibility* of motherhood has caused me much reflection and renewed regret--as well as a renewed desire to do better, with God's grace, for my children.

zetor said...

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